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SCOPE Research Showcase
SCOPE Research Showcase
Join us for the final event of the Sustainable OPEration of Post-combustion Capture plants (SCOPE) project.
Friday, 13 December 2024
Time: 10.00 - 16.00 GMT
Location: Council Room, 170 Queens Gate, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, London, SW7 2AZ
Space is limited so for attendees who wish to attend the in-person event please email jprest@imperial.ac.uk
For online only attendees please use the CLICK HERE
Over the past three years, SCOPE has addressed critical knowledge gaps across the entire exhaust gas purification process, contributing to the accelerated decarbonisation of industry. This ACT-funded project aims to remove barriers to Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) by providing plant operators, regulators and decision-makers with essential tools and data to improve understanding and regulatory processes for amine-based CO₂ capture.
SCOPE has brought together a network of stakeholders through the “Stakeholder, Policy, Research, and Industry Network” (SPRINT) and hosted thematic seminars to motivate interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange. Amine-based chemical absorption is the leading technology for capturing CO₂ in sectors such as cement, steel and waste incineration, but its deployment has been hindered by regulatory and data challenges. SCOPE seeks to overcome these barriers by developing guidelines, validating emissions data, and addressing environmental and societal impacts.
9:45 – 10:00 Walk in, networking, coffee for in-person participants
10:00 – 10:10 Welcome, HSE and other practical information - Anna Korre/Jonny Prest (Imperial College)
10:10 – 10:20 Short introduction to the project – Hanne Kvamsdal (SINTEF)
10:20 – 10:50 Pilot plant testing – emissions and their mitigation - Peter Moser (RWE)
10:50 – 11:10 Guidelines for CO2 Capture Plants to control emissions – Eirini Skylogianni (TNO)
11:10 – 11:30 Break, coffee
11:30 – 12:00 Assessing the impact of emissions in daily life – Anna Korre (IMPERIAL College)
12:00 – 12:30 Assessing the risk and environmental impacts on selected biotic components from emissions/effluents of post-combustion capture plants - Prof Gupta (GGSIP University)
12:30 – 13:15 Lunch
13:15 – 13:45 Learnings from SPRINT during SCOPE – Peter van Os / Roberta Figueiredo (TNO)
13:45 – 15:15 Regulations concerning CO2 capture from SCOPE countries
Netherlands - Jan-Peter Born (HVC)
Germany – Torsten Stoffregen (Linde)
Norway – Thor Gautestad (Heidelberg Materials)
United Kingdom – Roger Timmis (Environmental Agency)
United States – Andrew Hlasko (DOE)
India – Neelima Alam (Indian Ministry of Science and Technology)
15:15 – 15:45 Discussion/Q&A with the above persons in a panel – Moderator Peter van Os
15:45– 16:00 Final remarks – Hanne Kvamsdal
Agenda Highlights
Our program includes expert presentations on emission measurement, guidelines for emissions control, the impact of emissions on daily life, insights from SPRINT and regulatory perspectives from SCOPE’s partner countries. The day will conclude with a panel discussion, providing a forum for exchange between speakers and attendees.
This event offers a unique opportunity to explore advancements in CO₂ capture technology and regulation, connect with leading experts, and participate in discussions shaping the future of emissions management.
Space is limited so for attendees who wish to attend the in-person event please email jprest@imperial.ac.uk
For online only attendees please use the CLICK HERE

Emission Control Technologies: Insights From SCOPE Campaigns
Join us for the first in a new series of SCOPE webinars exploring the development of innovative emission control technologies. Through an established Stakeholder, Policy, Research and Industry NeTwork (SPRINT), we facilitate information exchange between decision-makers, with the aim to remove barriers to CCUS deployment and accelerate large CO2 capture projects. It gives plant operators, regulators and decision-makers access to the tools and data needed for improving our understanding of amine-based CO2 capture. In this session, we explore the different technologies deployed during SCOPE campaigns, delving into results from demonstrations across three diverse industrial sites. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear directly from the research team.
1. Welcome and Scope Introduction
Presenter: Hanne Marie Kvamsdal
Duration: 5 minutes
Description: Introduction to the meeting's scope and objectives.
2. SPRINT Introduction
Presenter: Roberta Veronezi Figueiredo
Duration: 5 minutes
Description: Brief overview of the SPRINT initiative, its relevance, and key objectives.
3. Emission Control Technologies and Dutch Campaigns
Presenter: Eirini Skylogianni
Duration: 20 minutes
Description: Detailed presentation on emission mitigation technologies utilised in the Netherlands, including specific campaigns and their impacts.
4. German Campaign: Emission Mitigation Technologies
Presenter: Peter Moser
Duration: 15 minutes
Description: Examination of emission mitigation technologies applied in Germany, with a focus on recent campaigns and outcomes.
5. Q&A Session
Facilitator: Jonny Prest
Duration: 15 minutes
Description: Open floor for questions and discussion regarding the presented topics.
Enrol for the Webinar

PCCC-7 Pittsburgh
The Post Combustion Capture Conference (PCCC-7) will take place as an in-person conference in the city of Pittsburgh, PA, USA. The SCOPE project will be represented at the conference by the following presentations:
Regulatory framework for sustainable and cost-efficient amine emission control (to be presented orally in Session 7 B -Environmental impacts II)
Authors: Hanne M. Kvamsdal , Eirik F. da Silva, and Karl Anders Hoff
Solvent aging-effect on emissions of CESAR1 and performance of emission mitigation technologies after 500 h and 32,000 h operation (to be presented in session: 4 B -Environmental Impacts I)
Authors: Peter Moser, Georg Wiechers, Susana Garcia, Laura Herraiz-Palomino, Hallvard F. Svendsen, Hanna K. Knuutila, Juliana Garcia Moretz-Sohn Monteiro, Eirini Skylogianni
Emission measurement tests to study the potential for performance improvement of the absorber emissions monitoring system (ACEMS) prototype (to be presented in session: 4 B -Environmental Impacts I)
Authors: Actor Chikukwa, Karol Michalski, Lars Hovdahl, Kai Hjarbo, Thor Mejdell, Andreas Grimstvedt, Merete Wiig, Kai Vernstad, Aslak Einbu
Validation of a CESAR1 solvent model with a focus on water wash conditions
Authors: Jeffrey A. Weinfeld and Diego D. D. Pinto

SPRINT 4: How to address, interact and act on the main knowledge gaps related to emissions
SPRINT 4: How to address, interact and act on the main knowledge gaps related to emissions
[This event has ended. You can find the presentations from the event here.]
As a side-event to the 12th Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage (TCCS-12) conference, we are pleased to announce our fourth SCOPE Stakeholder, Policy, Research and Industry NeTwork (SPRINT) event on 22 June 2023.
SPRINT aims to facilitate information exchange between stakeholders across the whole carbon capture chain on topics relevant to CCUS science, technology and policy. These topics include the development of regulatory thresholds, emission assessment methods used in the permitting phase, emission monitoring techniques used in the operational phase and other issues relevant to the advancement of amine-based CCUS.
Registration for SPRINT #4 has now closed.
09h – 11h SCOPE overview
09h00 – 09h20 Introduction to the project – Hanne Kvamsdal
09h20 – 10h00 Emissions monitoring, control and mitigation – Juliana Monteiro and Peter Moser
10h00 – 10h30 Health and environmental impact of emissions – Anna Korre
10h30 – 11h00 Economic, political and societal challenges – Abigail Martin
11h00 – 11h20 Break
11h20 – 12h00 SPRINT overview
11h20 – 11h30 What is SPRINT? – Peter van Os
11h30 – 12h00 Highlights of previous events – Roberta Figueiredo
12h00 – 12h30 Lunch
12h30 – 13h30 Health, people and policy
12h30 – 12h50 A focus on particulate matter and health – Gary Rochelle
12h50 – 13h10 Emission control from a NGO perspective – Olav Øye or Eivind Berstad
13h10 – 13h30 Regulatory framework – Specific points of attention – tbc
13h30 – 14h30 Panel discussions
13h30 – 14h10 Discussion with the panel – Peter van Os and Roberta Figueiredo
Bellona – Olav Øye or Eivind Berstad
Funders (ACT) – Aage Stangeland
Permitting authorities – tbc
Industry – tbc
IEA - Keith Bernard
14h10 – 14h30 Discussion and closure – Peter van Os and Roberta Figueiredo
Venue: The workshop will take place at Gløshaugen (NTNU Campus), Realfagsbygget (Auditorium R2), Høgskoleringen 6, Trondheim – Norway from 9 – 14.30 (CEST).
Registration: Registration has now closed.

SPRINT 3: Mitigating Environmental Impacts of Post Combustion Carbon Capture Plants
SPRINT 3: Mitigating Environmental Impacts of Post Combustion Carbon Capture Plants
This event has ended. Find the presentations here.
SCOPE (Sustainable Operation of post-combustion Capture plants) contributes to accelerating the decarbonization of industry by holistically addressing key knowledge gaps and emission reductions from amine-based carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) along with information exchange that is critical in mitigating the environmental impacts of emissions and addressing the climate change. Global warming is a well-known, worldwide concern, caused by increasing concentrations of CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere mainly due to anthropogenic activities. India is also making a decisive march towards a sustainable energy future. India’s pledge at COP26 towards a net-zero by 2070 further accelerates this momentum. CCUS has an important and critical role to play in it especially for India to accomplish net zero by 2070.
The SPRINT (Stakeholder, Policy, Research and Industry NeTwork) event hosted by the GGS Indraprastha University (GGSIPU) will provide a valuable opportunity for key stakeholders to share knowledge between universities, technology institute, research institutes, industry operators, including regulators and other stakeholders involved in permitting process and development of environmental quality standards. Further the scope is to gain an understanding and knowledge of the environmental impact mitigation of amine-based carbon capture and other toxic compounds on the ecosystem. Integrating science, policy and industry knowledge will help in determining various mitigating strategies to reduce the environmental impacts of emissions and benefits and public perception towards post-combustion carbon technology.
Venue: Conference room Administrative Building, GGS IP University, Dwarka, New Delhi-110078

GHGT 16: Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference
SCOPE will be represented at GHGT during the following sessions:
Tuesday, October 25, 2022: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM – E-Poster Sessions
H. M. Kvamsdal, P. van Os, P. Moser, A. Korre, A Martinf, M. S. Matuszewskig, N.C. Guptah, P. Khakhariai, C. McNally. SCOPE: an ERA-NET ACT project on sustainable operation of post-combustion capture plant
C. Charalambous, A. Hartono , H. Knuutila , S. Garcia. Advancing the large-scale development of PCC processes by providing essential VLE data for aqueous solutions of amines.
D. Pinto, J. Monteiro, E. Skylogiani , P. Moser , G. Wiechersc. Validation of process simulator with new plant data for MEA and CESAR1.
Thursday, October 27, 2022: 11:20 AM - 1:00 PM – Session 11C – Absorption: Environment and Operation IV
J. Monteiro, E. Skylogianni , A. Huizinga , J. Kiewik , M. Vos. Aerosol and volatile emissions control in an amine-based CO2 capture plant