SCOPE brings together carbon capture stakeholders for second SPRINT event
Emission monitoring and mitigation technologies for post-combustion carbon capture were the focus of SCOPE’s second Stakeholder, Policy, Research and Industry Network (SPRINT) event, held in Germany last week.
The event, one of a series which aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge on technical and regulatory developments in the field, was hosted by RWE at its Niederaussem Power Station in North Rhine-Westphalia.
SCOPE partners visited the site’s post-combustion capture pilot plant, which has been in operation for several years and is one of a number of pilot plants being used as part of the project to validate models of predicted amine emissions.
RWE’s Peter Moser gives partners a tour of the pilot plant.
Held alongside SCOPE’s General Assembly and second Project Meeting, last week’s SPRINT event, led by TNO, brought together partners and external stakeholders to discuss developments in emission monitoring and mitigation technologies.
TNO’s Eirini Skylogiannia, Roberta Figueiredo and Juliana Monteiro and SINTEF’s Actor Chikukwa provided an overview of the variety of technologies and methods currently available to the industry and the work being carried out by SCOPE researchers in this area.
Participants also heard input from the University of Texas and from industry stakeholders, including RWE, Linde Engineering, Aker Solutions, HVC, Twence, Technology Centre Mongstad, and Carbon Clean, on the monitoring and control technologies in use at their facilities.
It is the second gathering of the SPRINT network, which first met in Norway in May to discuss the regulatory and permitting requirements facing operators of capture plants across different regions.
SCOPE aims to remove barriers to CCUS deployment and accelerate large carbon capture projects by giving plant operators, regulators and decision makers access to the tools and data that are essential for improving our understanding of amine-based carbon capture.
Read more about the project here. If you would like to attend the next SPRINT event, please contact: Hanne Kvamsdal, SCOPE Project Coordinator.