SCOPE hosts fourth SPRINT event in Norway

SCOPE’s fourth Stakeholder, Policy, Research and Industry NeTwork (SPRINT) event was held in June in connection with the 12th Trondheim Conference on Carbon Capture, Transport and Storage (TCCS-12) in Norway.

The event was a Global Symposium in the topic of “How to address, interact and act on the main knowledge gaps related to emissions”, moderated by Peter van Os and Roberta Figueiredo from TNO.

Participation was quite good with 42 persons attending in-person (of which 29 project partners) and a further 20 online (of which 13 project partners).

The day began with an overview of the SCOPE project, presented by the coordinator Hanne Kvamsdal, work package leaders Peter van Os, Peter Moser, Anna Korre, and Abigail Martin and project partner Juliana Monteiro.

This was followed by a presentation on the goal and purpose of SPRINT, followed by presentations by guest speakers Gary Rochelle (University of Texas), Olav Øye (Bellona) and Jessica Hernandez (Environmental Agency) on health, people and policy.

The day ended with a panel discussion led by Peter van Os and Roberta Figueiredo with participation from Zoe Kapetaki (TNO), Keith Bernard (IEHGHG ), Erik Gjernes (CLIMIT program), Abigail  Martin (University of Sussex).

The panel discussed:

•          The role of CCS now and in the future

•          The main challenges for implementation – are they related to monitoring, permits, building, public perception, lack of resources (financial and personnel), among others? And how can we solve them?

•          How to turn the somewhat negative perception of CCS to a more positive view

•          Acceptable levels of emissions

•          Positive developments in CCS

There was a lively discussion with interaction from the audience in the room and online. 


“How to address, interact and act on the main knowledge gaps related to emissions”

09h – 11h SCOPE overview

o   09h00 – 09h20 Introduction to the project – Hanne

o   09h20 – 10h00 Emissions monitoring, control and mitigation – Juliana Monteiro and Peter Moser

o   10h00 – 10h30 Health and environmental impact of emissions – Anna Korre

o   10h30 – 11h00 Economic, political and societal challenges – Abigail Martin 

11h00 – 11h20 Break

11h20 – 12h00 SPRINT overview

o   11h20 – 11h30 What is SPRINT? – Peter van Os

o   11h30 – 12h00 Highlights of previous events – Roberta Figueiredo

12h00 – 12h30 Lunch 

12h30 – 13h30 Health, people and policy

o   12h30 – 12h50 A focus on particulate matter and health – Gary Rochelle, UT

o   12h50 – 13h10 Emission control from a NGO perspective – Olav Øye, Bellona

o   13h10 – 13h30 Regulatory framework – Specific points of attention – Jessica Hernandez, Roger Timmis, Environmental Agency

13h30 – 14h30 Panel discussions

o   13h30 – 14h00 Discussion with the panel – Peter van Os and Roberta Figueiredo

§  Bellona – Olav Øye

§  CLIMIT program –  Erik Gjernes

§  Policy specialist TNO – Zoe Kapetaki

§  IEAGHG - Keith Bernard

14h00 – 14h30 Discussion and closure – Peter van Os and Roberta Figueiredo



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